Nutrition Month


Did you know that March is Nutrition Month?

During Nutrition Month 2022, Dietitians of Canada will explore the key “ingredients” needed to change our food systems for a healthier tomorrow. These ingredients will take the form of actions that can improve an individual’s health in addition to systemic changes that can be made, not just for today, but for the future.

Individual dietitians will be encouraged to explore other related “ingredients'' that fit with their interests or practice areas. You might see dietitians talking about topics like food sovereignty, food justice, food policy, and combating misinformation.

Mushrooms Canada has shared some delicious, nutrient-dense mushroom recipes to honour Nutrition Month 2022. Mushrooms are a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help feed your immune system, not to mention they taste amazing too!

Browse through the recipes linked below: